5 C Dance Company!
Dancer Enrollment Form and Contract
We're looking for amazing dancers who want to be part of a great dance team. If you're interested in auditioning to become a member of the 5 C Dance Company, please complete the questionnaire below. Simply copy and paste the form into an email.
Send to: Hlundberg14@CMC.edu
Subject should be: 5CDC Auditions
General Information
Last Name:
First Name:
Cell Phone:
Parent’s Phone:
Other Phone:
Permanent Address:
Email Address:
Dance Background
Have you taken any dance classes before? If no, please go to next section.
Put an "X" after the the one that best your dance classes.
How many years have you had ballet training? None: 1-3 Years: 4-6 Years: More than 7 Years:
How many years have you had jazz training? None: 1-3 Years: 4-6 Years: More than 7 Years:
How many years have you had lyrical training? None: 1-3 Years: 4-6 Years: More than 7 Years:
How many years have you had hip hop training? None: 1-3 Years: 4-6 Years: More than 7 Years:
How many years have you had tap training? None: 1-3 Years: 4-6 Years: More than 7 Years:
How many years have you had gymnastics training? None: 1-3 Years: 4-6 Years: More than 7 Years:
How many years did you compete in dance? None: 1-3 Years: 4-6 Years: More than 7 Years:
What is the highest award you’ve received in dance?
Class and Extracurricular Schedule
Please list your current class schedule.
Please list your current extracurricular schedule.
Are there any dates that may conflict with the 5 C Dance Company rehearsal or performance schedules? If yes, please list them.
The 5 C Dance Company is highly selective and requires complete commitment from dance members. We strive to be the
best dance group at the Claremont Colleges and esteem ourselves on our artistic and technical dance skills. Each year we
limit our group size to include only the best dancers who share in this commitment. To achieve this level of excellence, I
agree to attend all rehearsals and performances. I understand that the integrity of the performance, the time it takes to
learn new choreography, and the respect to fellow dancers are compromised every time one person is not present at
The rehearsal and performance schedules will be posted on our website at www.5CDanceCompany.com prior to each
semester. I understand that if I miss a rehearsal or performance, I may lose solo pieces or placement in the choreography.
I may also be removed from the numbers completely, placed on probation or ultimately removed from the dance team. If removed (expelled) from the team, I will not be allowed to re-audition or become a member of the dance team in the future.
The 5 C Dance Company is run completely by students. Each dance member is required to participate in one or more of
the following positions:
Advertising (posting fliers on all 5 campuses prior to each performance):
Advertising (making fliers with poster paint prior to each performance):
Fundraising (baking cookies, muffins, cupcakes the night before each performance):
Fundraising (setting up bake sale at each performance and recruiting volunteers):
Fundraising (organizing and emailing fundraising campaigns):
T-Shirt and Jackets (researching costs, setting up logos and personalization):
Performance Location (writing letters, petitioning, and getting auditorium for performances):
Music (making CDs/DVDs for all dancers):
Costumes (researching, shopping, ordering, and purchasing costumes for team):
Costumes (designing costumes with artistic director and choreographers):
Portable Dance Platforms (transporting platforms to and from performance locations - needs car):
Sound System (set up sound system at each venue):
Lighting System (setup lighting system at each venue):
Programs (creating, printing, and assembling programs for showcases):
Programs (passing out programs at each showcase):
Tickets (creating, printing, and cutting tickets for showcases):
Ticket Sales/Distribution (distribute tickets prior to showcases and handle money):
If I make the 5 C Dance Team’s audition, I agree to all of the terms and I agree to be responsible for all of the tasks listed
above. This contract is valid for the academic year. By completing this form and emailing it to the artistic director, I agree to honor the policies listed here.